Monday, August 9, 2010

There's a first time for everything

Some days, like when I'm writing, I get caught up in the idea that everything has been said and done before I ever got here. Millions of people have been to the Grand Canyon. Women have babies every single day. Books have been written on every topic. There's not one word, song or experience that Google doesn't know about already. Nothing is new or novel. This line of thinking is a real problem. There's no fun, no creativity. Some days, I call it writer's block.

That's when I have to think about all the firsts I accomplished last year on our trip. Last year on this very day, I was in Maryland at a seafood festival. I ate a crab cake for the first time ever. Surprisingly, I ate the whole thing. Yum. Dan's fried squid, on the other hand, was not a treat I was ready to sample. I doubt I’ll ever join that club. I racked up a lot of firsts last year though. First time in Boston, first alligator experience, first time to Spring Training, first time driving an RV. It really was a year of firsts.

I checked off another first this week when I went knee boarding on Lake Martin. After watching my 4-year old nephew climb on top of the board and cruise along behind us in the boat, I realized I was missing a lot of fun. I was terrible at it. I kept getting pulled under water or falling off. But it was so much fun. I felt like a kid again.

Despite what they say, there really is a first time for everything because no one experiences crab cakes or knee boarding or Gettysburg just like I do. And once I cross that line, trying something for the first time, there are tons of people waiting on the other side, to discuss it and embrace me as part of the group of "those who have." And that's the best part, sharing experiences with others. This is what I try to remember some days when I'm writing.

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