Monday, December 28, 2009

Home Away From the Road

Coming home for the holidays was something we all looked forward to. We had very little planned outside of spending Christmas with our families, but our schedule quickly filled in on its own.
The great part about our stop home has been the amount of time people have found to spend with us.
From the moment we pulled into the driveway, until today we have been surrounded by people we have anticipated seeing.
Some have stopped by only briefly, others have been able to stay for an extended chat. We have maintained contact with most of them all along our trip. For those we have lost touch with it has been great to reconnect. For those that we talk to regularly, nothing replaces the casual conversation and connection of an evening around the diner table.
The holidays can cause a lot of stress, with gifts to buy and food to prepare, but I find that the time I get to spend with people I care about makes that tension fade and positive feelings flow.
Thanks to all our friends and family for their thoughtful gifts, generous helpings of holiday snacks and most of all their time.
I hope everyone had a great holiday and we wish you all a Happy New Year.