Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I heart NY

Dan and I dream of living in NYC someday, if only temporarily. The city charmed us years ago, during a visit to see Dan's brother. Unaware of traffic or really anything in New York, we simply drove right into the middle of it, without even a map. Through Lincoln Tunnel to Manhattan and into Queens, we soaked it in. The next day, sightseeing, we put in several miles on foot. We slept on the floor of tiny apartment, smaller than any we'd lived in. And we fell in love the city. We didn't want to go home. There's so much we didn't see, so much to offer.
Last year on this day, we were leaving New York again. We spend three short days of our trip touring the city, showing Abby and Carter all the places we wanted them to love too. Most of our favorite things to do were free, including a ride on the Staten Island Ferry, gazing at Times Square, a walk in Central park, Grand Central Station, the South Street Seaport and the bridges, Brooklyn and Manhattan. There are enough parks and shops and museums and eateries to fill a lifetime.
It would be hard, not to mention expensive, to raise kids in New York. I doubt that is in our future. But as for visiting, I'd go back today if the chance came up. As for living there, I can dream!

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